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Bir ren ko

Usabana - Bana ko re huḍiń utar nić. Honḍeṅ - Tuu ko re maraṅ utar nić. Oral - Apirenn Tuu. Jaṛakulay - Kulay ko re maraṅ utar nić. Horlosikulay - Jaṛakulay aeteć huḍińa. Búsguḍu - Guḍu aete maraṅ nić. Utiṅ - Kaṭea Jati renić, Daru reć taena. Sarambumbui - Ginduru aete maraṅ nić. Chuṭubaduṛi - Huḍiń Baduṛi. Harmu - Maraṅ Chidu lekać neloḱa. Pusta, Badu, Oreć - Siliṕ Jati renko. Ĩ́ar - Siliṕ Jati re huḍiń utar nić. Sãil - Keḍa Jati renić, Kinjiri Keḍa. Birbiar - Keḍa Jati renić. Bunḍatuyu = Karamchaḱ. Togo - Onḍeṅ lekanić. Dadurchoke - Ãut́ ko aete maraṅ Choke. Udam - Hać saṕ Bilae. Ḍurkula - Maraṅ Báḱo. Banḍo = Báḱo. Ṭẽoḱ = Haḍagar Sirkalituyu - ? Mṹyal - ? Dimaṅ - ?

Ho Orthography based on Etymology

Standardizing Latin Ho Alphabet CONSONANTS: K G Ṅ (Ḱ) CH* J Ń (Ć) Ṭ Ḍ Ṛ T D N T́ P B M Ṕ R L S H Y (V) *CH better aligns with English pronunciation, and is used by Deeney, but C can be considered. Letters for Preglottalized consonants (Ṕ, T́) and the Glottal Stop (Ḱ, Ć) are taken from Bodding. Letters inside brackets are used only for etymological reasons, their pronunciation is no longer preserved in Ho. Retroflex Nasal is not phonemic, therefore not included. Y only occurs in medial positions, never in the initial and final positions. VOWELS: SHORT LONG NASALIZED SHORT NASALIZED LONG DISAMBIGUATION A Á Ã Ã́ Â E É Ẽ Ẽ́ Ê I Í Ĩ Ĩ́ O Ó Õ Ṍ Ô U Ú Ũ Ṹ Deeney uses a macron above to indicate long vowels, an acute accent is chosen here for aesthetic purposes. ÂÊÔ can be used either in dictionaries to indicate the weaker forms of AEO or to distinguish between words, for example, 'ka' (negative particle) vs 'kâ' Optative Mood marker, English word 'Era' vs Ho 'Êra