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Ho Orthography based on Etymology

Standardizing Latin Ho Alphabet



*CH better aligns with English pronunciation, and is used by Deeney, but C can be considered.
Letters for Preglottalized consonants (Ṕ, T́) and the Glottal Stop (Ḱ, Ć) are taken from Bodding.
Letters inside brackets are used only for etymological reasons, their pronunciation is no longer preserved in Ho. Retroflex Nasal is not phonemic, therefore not included. Y only occurs in medial positions, never in the initial and final positions.



Deeney uses a macron above to indicate long vowels, an acute accent is chosen here for aesthetic purposes. ÂÊÔ can be used either in dictionaries to indicate the weaker forms of AEO or to distinguish between words, for example, 'ka' (negative particle) vs 'kâ' Optative Mood marker, English word 'Era' vs Ho 'Êra'.


1. All nouns are to be capitalized. This is to cater to the peculiarity of the language where words are very flexible, words being used as nouns as well as verbs.

2. PNM words ending in 'ḱ' and 'ć', which have now all become a Glottal Stop in Ho, are to be written in the PNM form. E.g.:
reʔ > reć
goʔe > goć
sareʔ > sareć
Uriʔ > Urić
aʔe > ać
Iʔi > Ić
Chariʔ > Charić
sokoʔe > sokoć
pereʔ > pereć
uʔi > uć
Muʔi > Muć
Nakiʔ > Nakić
gitiʔ > gitić
Láʔi > Láć
sĩṛĩć > sĩić
tagoʔe > tagoć
eṭeʔ > eṭeć

3. Vowel elongation and diphthongs caused by loss of Proto-North Munda 'ṛ' will be written as they would occur in PNM, except that 'ṛ' will be omitted, if the vowels are nasalized, only the first vowel will carry the nasalization mark. E.g.:
Aṛandi > Aandi
ikuṛum > ikuum
Kuṛam > Kuam
paṛa > paa
Mukuṛi > Mukui
Hoṛmo/Homoṛo > Homoo
Hoṛo > Hoo
anjaṛa > anjaa
haṛaḱ > haaḱ (Ho has added nasalization)
naṛaka > naaka
rãṛãsa > rãasa
ẽṛẽć > ẽeć
Sikĩṛĩć > Sikĩić (it is unclear whether PNM form had nasalization, Ho pronunciation without nasalization also exists, Sikiić)

4. In places where PNM has 'h', attempt should be made to retain it there, if vowel elongation has occured, then the vowel after the 'h' is to be omitted. E.g.:
Baha > Bah
Sahan > Sahn
Bohoḱ > Bohḱ
Rehet́ > Reht́
Hanhar > Hanhr
Hońhar > Hońhr
nahaḱ > nahḱ
jaha > jah

5. PNM words which have both 'ṛ' and 'h', attempt should be made to account for both. E.g.:
Meṛhet́ > Meeht́
rohoṛ > rooh
heṛhet́ > heeht́
haṛhat́ > haaht́

6. Words where vowel elongation has occurred due to loss of final 't́', are to be written as in PNM, omitting the vowel right before the final 't́'. E.g.:
ilat́ > ilt́
Surut́ > Surt́
Jilat́ > Jilt́
Murut́ > Murt́
seret́ > sert́
selet́ > selt́
Torot́ > Tort́
irit́ > irt́
jeret́ > jert́

7. An 'ṅ' followed by a 'g' and an 'ń' followed by 'j' may be written as 'n', as the combination 'ng' is rare, this combination can be instead represented by 'nng', as in 'tannga'.
Siṅgi > Singi
salaṅgi > salangi
tiṅgu > tingu
ańjaa > anjaa

8. Monosyllabic words where the vowel is long due to phonological reasons, the length will be denoted by an acute accent, nasalization is to be omitted if absent in PNM. E.g.:

9. In PNM words that had a V/W/ in medial positions, attempt should be made to preserve it in spelling, only removing one vowel from either sides.
Rava > Rva
Irivil > Irivl
jivet́ > jivt́
even > evn
livet́ > livt́ > liut́
hawet́ > hayt́


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